Zeolite is one of the most common and most valuable minerals in the world. Zeolites are widely used in a variety of industries such as
The Zeolite of our company is considered one of the best in the world market today! Thanks to its performance characteristics, our zeolite is superior to all competitors.
Zeolite is a natural mineral with a unique composition, the crystal structure of which is a framework of tetrahedra (Si and Al oxides), where water molecules are located in empty cells. This stone belongs to volcanic minerals, which are formed as a result of the merger of rock and lava. Zeolite crystals have an absorbent function, thanks to which the stone began to be used in industry and some branches of human activity.
Zeolite Applications
The natural mineral zeolite is widely used in economic and industrial fields, as well as in everyday life. The properties of zeolite are very interesting and varied, which made the mineral in demand in agriculture, crop production, construction and in the field of ecology. This mineral has a high absorption capacity and has a high resistance to acids, which allows it to be used for the following purposes:
1. As a stabilizer for the production of mineral fertilizers;
2. For the production of dry mixes, in particular cement;
3. As an abrasive in the manufacture of cleaning products;
4. For ionization and water purification;
5. As a mineral component of aerated glass and concrete;
6. To enrich the soil with useful trace elements;
7. To enhance the composition of animal feed nutrients.
Agriculture and botany
Zeolite is able to retain moisture in the soil for a long time, supplying plants with it. This is a good impetus for the development of the root system of crops, which the zeolite simultaneously nourishes with useful substances: potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and others.
The use of zeolite in agriculture can increase the yield of fields, reduce the level of groundwater pollution, reduce water consumption when irrigating fertile soil and improve the acidic composition of the soil.
Animal husbandry
The mineral of natural origin is often used for the production of pet food for the following purposes:
• for forage enrichment with useful components;
• to increase the brood of livestock;
• additive in veterinary preparations as a sorbent.
By adding the mineral to pet bedding, the moisture content of the raw material can be reduced and unpleasant odors and ammonia uptake can be neutralized. In poultry farming, zeolite is actively used to increase the brood of birds as a food additive. This reduces the risk of developing avian diseases by removing toxic substances from winged food. Zeolite slows down the passage of food through the esophagus, stimulating the absorption of beneficial components by the body. This allows you to significantly reduce feed costs and reduce the amount of liquid consumed by birds.
Mostly, zeolite is added to food for waterfowl, which have a sharp decrease in gastrointestinal diseases and an increase in the digestibility of beneficial enzymes. By adding zeolite to the feed of birds, it is possible to achieve:
• minimization of waste products of vital activity;
• increase in the number of healthy offspring;
• up to 10% to increase the live weight of the bird.
The use of the mineral on sandy and sandy soils
The main difficulty in cultivating soil with a high content of sand is the weak absorption of the soil and the lack of a sufficient amount of useful minerals in its composition. Natural zeolite is a unique natural sorbent that can be used to increase soil fertility from 15% to 50%. The addition of zeolite to the soil helps retain moisture in the soil and saturates it with such useful components as K, Mg, Ca. Under favorable conditions, ion exchange processes occur in the pores of the zeolite, resulting in an increase in the biological activity of the soil and a decrease in its acidity.
The clinoptilolite component, which is contained in large quantities in the composition of the mineral, helps the zeolite to retain moisture in sandy and sandy soils. In the natural zeolite provided by our company, the content of clinoptilolite reaches 90%, which helps to significantly increase the moisture absorption function of sandy and sandy loamy soils. When the presented stone is added to the soil, a quick and effective interaction with the soil begins, improving its chemical composition.
Sandy and sandy loamy soils have a limited resource of mineral and organic substances, which are responsible for the nutritional capacity of the soil. Scientists were able to prove that the use of zeolite stops the leaching of useful components from the soil composition and helps to increase the cationic capacity of the soil.
The addition of zeolite to the soil composition helps to increase the number of active mineral fractions with ions in the soil composition, as a result of which soil fertility increases. Practice shows that this is achieved by adding zeolite to the soil at the rate of 15 tons per 1 hectare of land. The period of beneficial effect on the soil of the mineral is from 5 to 7 years, depending on external factors.
The use of zeolite in agriculture and farming
In crop production and agriculture, the mineral is in demand as:
• enricher and hardener for fertilizers;
• growth stimulator of agricultural crops;
• odor absorber.
The natural sorbent is mixed into animal feed to prevent the process of their decay, and is also added to livestock and poultry bedding to neutralize unpleasant odors and moisture. This stone is laid on the bottom of artificial reservoirs, where it kills viruses, bacteria and creates a favorable environment for breeding fish.
1. Soil and fertilizer enricher
The mineral is able to improve the composition of the soil and nourish it with useful components, which is why it is widely used as a fertilizer before planting seedlings, in particular, fruit and coniferous trees, ornamental bushes, flowers and lawns. Zeolite is actively added to fertilizers and soil mixtures.
By adding a mineral to fertilizers, you can experience some of the benefits of this stone, including:
• Helps fertilizers not to cake, making them free-flowing, hygroscopic, giving the mixture a high absorption capacity.
• Absorbs and retains ammonium ions and nutrients in fertilizer formulations.
• Promotes active growth of the root system of plants, making them less vulnerable to disease and decay.
• Keeps enough moisture in the zone of plant roots - from 40% to 70% of its weight.
• Works as a reservoir for storing fertilizers and nutrients most important for the development of a healthy seedling.
• Nitrogen in the cells of the mineral is able to linger for a long time, does not dissolve in water and is not washed out by rain.
• Stabilizes the acidity of sandy, flood and volcanic soils, preventing them from caking.
• Prevents the entry of toxins and radionuclides into the plant roots.
The mineral absorbs soil layers, converting heavy metal molecules and radionuclides into a bound state, preventing plants from absorbing harmful substances.
2. Increasing the yield of fields
Zeolite shows high efficiency of action on all types of soils, helping to increase the yield of most crops. Adding a mineral to the soil can increase the yield by 10-30%, the growth of which will be observed within 3-4 years. After seven or more years, zeolite does not lose its absorption and exchange functions, continuing to have a positive effect on the soil.
The mineral is widely used in crop production to enrich plants with useful substances. Being in the composition of the soil, zeolite helps to retain moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the lower layers of the soil. By introducing the mineral along with fertilizers, some of the nutrients remain in the cavities of the stone, after which it will evenly saturate the roots of plants with them. Working like a "warehouse", the zeolite does not allow trace elements to be washed out by groundwater and evaporate into the atmosphere, remaining in the empty cells of the mineral.
With the help of zeolite, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer added to the soil when planting plants, bringing the amount of nitrates in crops closer to zero. Adding zeolite to the soil will help reduce irrigation water and reduce groundwater pollution. It is important that this mineral helps to improve the amino acid composition of vegetables, berries and fruits, significantly increasing the amount of vitamin C in the soil. Having a beneficial effect on the biochemical composition of fruits, the mineral increases the amount of sugar in their composition and reduces the amount of nitrate nitrogen.
Agronomists were able to see from their own experience that the addition of zeolite to the soil increases the germination of seeds, especially for flowers: tulips, hyacinths, roses, carnations and others. The properties of natural stone avoid overdrying of the soil and stimulate the rapid growth of plants.
40 micron Zeolite
3. Preparation of soil substrates
When preparing the substrate for planting, it is very important to pay attention to the soil that is taken as the basis. Dense soil with little nutrient content is not the best environment for plant growth. Zeolite in the preparation of soil substrates gives a lot of positive results, namely:
• aerates the soil;
• contributes to the development of a healthy root system in plants;
• retains a sufficient amount of moisture in the zone of plant roots;
• acts as a reservoir for storing moisture and fertilizers;
• increases crop yields;
• does not allow plant roots to rot and hurt.
4. Reclamation of polluted soils
Chemical reclamation of polluted soils is necessary to improve the quality of the soil. It is produced to improve fertility. In this sense, zeolite shows itself as an effective detoxifier of polluted soils, which is able to neutralize radioactive contamination from the composition of the soil. The mineral has the ability to adsorb harmful chemical compounds: heavy metals and radionuclides, preventing them from entering the plant biosystem.
For these purposes, it is necessary to increase the amount of zeolite introduced into the soil up to 40-60 tons per hectare, depending on the level of soil contamination.
5. Arrangement and maintenance of golf courses
The ability of natural zeolite to prevent soil caking, to ventilate deep layers of soil and retain from 40% to 70% of moisture from its own weight make the mineral indispensable in the arrangement of golf courses. Due to the green tint of the stone, it is not noticeable when it is added to the lawn and can provide an aesthetically pleasing look to the green lawn.
When arranging golf courses and green lawns, 1/5 of the soil is occupied by a natural mineral, which is applied to a depth of 5 to 15 cm. 150 kg of mineral per 100 m2 of area. The consumption of zeolite directly depends on the general condition of the soil, and therefore the required amount of the mineral is calculated individually.
6. Restoration, arrangement and care of lawns and sports grounds
When designing sports grounds, arranging green areas and planting lawns, zeolite is often used. The introduction of a mineral into the soil in sufficient quantities prevents the soil from drying out, ventilates and aerates the root system of plants, nourishes their roots with water and minerals. Natural mineral acts as a sorbent. By absorbing pesticides and impurities of heavy metals, zeolite significantly reduces the consumption of fertilizers and reduces the level of groundwater pollution. Moisture and useful microelements are contained in the empty cells of the mineral, nourishing the plants with useful microelements. Fertilizing plants and providing cation exchange is not the only benefit of zeolite in relation to lawns. For them, the mineral acts as an activator of beneficial microorganisms, indispensable for the reconstruction of the turf and the improvement of the condition of green areas.
It is necessary to introduce the mineral into the soil to a depth of 5-15 cm, using the following scheme for calculating its amount:
• to saturate the soil with oxygen and improve ventilation of the root system, the consumption of the mineral should be from 30 to 75 kg per 100 m2 of area;
• to fertilize lawns and sports grounds, it is necessary to add 1.5-3 tons of mineral to the soil per 1 hectare of land;
• for the restoration of green spaces, it is necessary to add 150 kg of zeolite per 100 m2 of land.
7. Planting trees, flowers, seedlings and houseplants
house plants
To improve the growth of domestic plants and normalize their health, it is necessary to add ¼ of a natural mineral to the soil. The action of zeolite will not take long, as the mineral will immediately begin to interact with the soil, having a positive effect on the growth and health of the seedling.
Tree planting
When planting seedlings of young trees, it is possible to increase the growth rate of the plant by introducing natural zeolite into the soil. To do this, add about 25% of the mineral to the soil and water the tree abundantly within a radius of half a meter. Provided that the seedling will grow in the ground in a special container, it is necessary to add about 3 cm of the mineral around the tree and at the bottom of the pit, not forgetting to pour plenty of water on the planting site. Zeolite, saturated with moisture, will give it away during the growth of the tree, saturate the roots of the tree with oxygen and useful enzymes, acting as a natural fertilizer and soil baking powder.
Planting lawn grass
To get a healthy lawn with lush green grass, you need to add 10% natural zeolite to the soil. After that, you can safely scatter the seeds of the lawn, which will grow rapidly and not dry. Zeolite will evenly nourish the plants with moisture, preventing them from drying out and caking the soil. With the mineral, your lawn will be juicy and green throughout the summer season, even with irregular watering. The funds spent on the purchase of zeolite will be recovered in the first season, allowing you to save significantly on lawn restoration and watering green areas. If you have to plant a lawn, simply add natural zeolite to the soil and let it work for you.
Flower beds and gardens
The mineral is a source of silicon for plants, stimulates their growth and develops a strong root system. To have a healthy garden and blooming flower beds, you need to add 25% natural zeolite to the soil. Sprinkle the territory of the flower bed with a layer of zeolite 1 cm thick and evenly distribute the mineral throughout the area, mixing with the ground. The mineral has the ability to retain up to 70% of moisture from the total weight, with which it will gradually feed the plants. Loose, healthy soil free of heavy metals is achieved by the action of zeolite, which also stores fertilizers well.
Natural zeolite is capable of increasing the organoleptic properties of water and normalizing its chemical composition. The application of zeolite covers many areas, often used in water treatment plants that have filters installed. In the repair and reconstruction of treatment facilities, instead of quartz sand and alternative filter media, this mineral is used. This substitution is resorted to due to the high efficiency of the mineral and the long life of the zeolite.
The use of zeolite as a water filter in industrial plants and filter stations allows:
• increase the speed of water filtration by 8-11 m/h, saving from 4 to 16 hours for a full working cycle;
• to create an effective groundwater treatment system;
• reduce the degree of water pollution from 50% to 100%;
• increase filter efficiency;
• reduce the consumption of water spent on washing the filter equipment by 10-13% due to the increase in the filter layer;
• improve water quality in many respects: organoleptic, chemical and biological;
• filter water from iron impurities with fraction concentration from 0.5 to 20 mg/l;
• form an effective barrier to the penetration of impurities of heavy metals, radionuclides, cations into the composition of water;
• accelerate the processes of chemical water treatment by the contact method;
• purify water from difficult-to-remove components, in particular, manganese, fluorine;
• reduce the amount of reagents for primary water treatment;
• reduce the cost of treated water;
• Eliminate unpleasant water odors, in particular, the smell of sulfur, which is inherent in many underwater sources.
The use of a natural mineral in water purification systems does not require the reconstruction of structures and does not involve the regeneration of the filter layer. All filters and installations are subject to classical water and air-water washing.
Removal of adhering filter material grains and freeing of air space must be carried out if specialized technologies were used for water purification - sorption or ion-exchange.
By replacing sand with zeolite in the filter station, you can experience some of the benefits of this mineral, including:
• size of fractions of quartz sand is 1.2, and zeolite - 2.5 mm;
• hydraulic slope when loading zeolite is two times less than that of quartz sand;
• natural mineral has catalytic and sorption properties;
• increase in filter performance with zeolite is three times higher than with alternative fillers;
• the porosity of the mineral is higher than that of quartz sand, by about 15%.
Zeolite effectively absorbs aluminum ions, which plays an important role when using the coagulation process of water purification.
Soil reclamation
Zeolite has a positive effect on soil quality, provided that proper chemical reclamation is carried out. For its implementation, it is necessary to add 25-30 tons of mineral per hectare of land to the soil. As a result of this, there is a significant increase in the pH of the soil mixture, which reaches a pH value of 6.5.
To increase the capacity of cation exchange on sandy loamy soil, it is necessary to add 15 tons of mineral per hectare of land. The effectiveness of the mineral lasts from 5 to 7 years, fully justifying the cost of natural fertilizer.
This mineral can normalize the acidity of the soil, acting as an independent limestone fertilizer of natural origin. The ability of zeolite to change the water composition of the soil helps to avoid moisture loss, reducing them by 28-30%. In addition, the use of zeolite increases the efficiency of fertilizer use by 20-25%, saving the cost of their purchase.
environmental protection
The absorption properties of zeolite have made the mineral the main protagonist in emergency situations that pose a danger to the environment. For these purposes, the mineral is used for:
• neutralization of chemicals in case of their spill (oil, fuel oil, fuel and lubricant liquids);
• purification of water bodies from pollution and harmful impurities;
• cleaning of wells, pools, artificial reservoirs.
The peak of the popularity of the mineral came in 1986 after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. During this period, the entire exposed population took zeolite in the form of a powder to reduce harm from the action of radioactive rays.
Zeolite is actively used in some industries: chemical, oil and construction. In the chemical industry, zeolite is used to produce fertilizers, in the oil refining industry it is added to raw materials to neutralize sulfur and moisture, and in construction, the mineral is added in the production of dry mixes to improve their adhesion.
Zeolite is able to improve the properties of cement, which directly affects the physical properties of concrete. In the field of construction and cement production, the mineral is used for the following purposes:
• to increase the strength of the building material;
• in the production of silicate bricks and dry building mixtures;
• as a binding component.
Available fraction from fine grinding unit:
At the moment plant equipment is tuned up by current consumer.
Products fractionation is available in compliance with requirements of consumer.
List of produced fraction: Zeolite Powder, 0-40 microns, 0 - 0,2 мм, 0-1,25 mm, 1,25-2,5 mm, 2,5-8 mm, 8-10 mm.
Prepacking: soft container with Big Bag insert, weight 300-715 kg depends on fraction.