Water purification, the use of zeolite for water treatment
In modern water purification systems, synthetic filter materials are often used, neglecting natural natural sorbents. The properties of zeolite are underestimated in vain, since the natural mineral is a cheap and effective means for water purification.
The mineral has the unique property of retaining moisture in its porous structure, absorbing harmful substances and exchanging cations. The porous structure of the stone does not allow useful substances such as amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats to enter into ion exchange, connecting strictly harmful components to this process - methane, hydrogen sulfide, heavy nuclides. For this, the mineral is called "living stone", using it as an effective sorbent for water purification. Zeolite is able to accumulate useful components in its pores, saturating and nourishing water with them.
The mineral has strong absorbent properties. Acting as a mechanical filter, the zeolite has a versatile effect on heavy metals and radioactive elements, which it can almost completely exclude from the composition of water.
The natural mineral shows resistance to temperature extremes and environmental influences, which has made it one of the most effective means for industrial water treatment. Sorbing bacteria and viruses, the mineral reduces their numbers, pulling out chemicals, pesticides, radioactive elements, phenol, organic pollutants, ammonia, nitrates and pathogenic microorganisms from the water.
In relation to water, the sorbent has the following properties:
• removes hardness salts from water;
• raises the pH level;
• saturates water with calcium, potassium and magnesium;
• improves acid-base balance;
• accelerates the course of chemical reactions;
• absorbs aluminum ions;
• improves organoleptic properties.
The use of a mineral for water purification at filter stations allows:
• increase the rate of water filtration;
• reduce the degree of water pollution;
• improve water quality;
• reduce the content of aluminum by 20-40%, phenols by 60-80%;
• purify water from fluorine and other hard-to-remove components;
• reduce the cost of clean water;
• eliminate unpleasant odors;
• reduce lead content by 94%, copper by 64-80%, zinc by 16-29%.
The practical application of zeolites for industrial water treatment instead of sand was initiated by Mosvodokanal OJSC, which managed to obtain some results:
• increase filtration volumes by 1.5-2 times;
• increase the dirt holding capacity by 20-50% in relation to the alternative component;
• improve the filtration process by 30%.
Compared to kinetic sand, zeolite has a lower density (1.5-2 times), which greatly facilitates the washing of the filtration system and parts of its structure.
Zeolita, Zeolith, zeoliet, zeolitt, الزيوليت, 沸石, 沸石, 비석, ceolitas, zeólito, ゼオライト, zeoliitti, zéolite, tseoliit
Zeolite for Waste Water Treatment
An innovative method of using zeolite for wastewater treatment from various types of pollution has shown high efficiency in practice. Especially important is the use of the mineral to remove oil products, chemical components and other harmful organic contaminants from the composition of water.
Neutralization of ammonium nitrogen, which is detrimental to the human body, is another advantage of using zeolite for water purification. Exceeding the concentration of ammonium nitrogen can kill all living things, in particular fish.
To preserve the fish population, Japan annually spends from 2 thousand tons of zeolites worth $100-200 per ton. These costs are fully justified by the beneficial properties of the stone, which is used to protect the environment.
In order to purify water, the mineral is used:
• in plumbing systems for household and industrial purposes;
• at water treatment of thermal power station (preliminary filtration);
• at water pumping stations;
• for cleaning of artificial reservoirs, pools, wells.
The absorbent properties of the mineral have made zeolite an effective tool in emergency situations that threaten the planet's ecology.
The multifunctional mineral is especially effective for:
• removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater;
• removal of viruses, cyanides and emulsified oil products from water;
• removal of phenol, tall oil and amine.